Debt Resistance UK (DRUK), inspired by the US Strike Debt The Debt Resistor’s Operations Manual, is working towards a series of pamphlets on how to avoid letting debt rule our lives and how to use collective action to resist it. Each of the pamphlets will focus on a different type of debt and will draw on real experiences and ideas for resistance rather than exclusively on the theoretical aspects of debt. This round of pamphlets will be focusing specifically on UK debt and opportunities for debt resistance within the UK.

Debt Resistance UK is a group dedicated to challenging the narrative of debt injustice as apolitical and inevitable.

This manual will be a tool to work towards our aims.


We encourage collaborative writing for the making of the pamphlets. Anyone can participate by submitting part of the content, even if they are not already members of DRUK. For each pamphlet there will be one reference person from DRUK coordinating the process.

Please contact us at if you would like to know more.

Drafts will be published in google docs with editing capabilities shared with those working on the topic, and comments capabilities for other members of DRUK. Authors are welcome to work on other platforms, but are encouraged to share the updates of their draft in the Google Drive.

An editorial team will have the role of assessing and editing the text on the following basis:

  • Alignment of political message to the aims of DRUK
  • Conformity of text to pre-agreed structure
  • Language accessibility and uniformity in style between pamphlets
  • Appropriate graphical material
  • Proofreading grammar and spelling
  • Layout

We aim to publish the pamphlets individually and to collect them in a book as a single publication. We also aim to make the publications available online. Each pamphlet will be published under the name of Debt Resistance UK. A collective list of contributors will be added to the website and to the book. If you would prefer for your name NOT to be added to a list of contributors, please state this clearly.